Organizationof thePetroleumExportingCountries 13May 2020 Feature article: Non-OPEC oil supply development Oilmarket highlights Featurearticle Crude oil pricemovements Commoditymarkets Worldeconomy World oil demand Worldoil supply Productmarkets and refineryoperations Tankermarket Crudeand refined products trade Commercial stockmovements Balance of supply and demand i iii 1 7 10 24 32 47 53 56 61 66 OPECEnergyReview Vol.XL,No.3 September2016 OPEC Energy Review September2016 Time series analysis of volatility in the petroleum pricingmarkets: the persistence, asymmetry and jumps in the returns series OlusanyaE.OlubusoyeandOlaOluwaS.Yaya Asymmetric and nonlinear pass-through relationship between oil and other commodities Manuchehr Irandoust Effect of outliers on volatility forecasting andValue at Risk estimation in crude oilmarkets HimanshuSharmaandSelvamuthuDharmaraja On the interaction between energy price and firm size in Indian economy RajeshHAcharyaandAnverCSadath Analysing the efficiency of renewable energy consumption among oil-producingAfrican countries IshmaelAckah,OluwafisayoAlabiandAbraham Lartey Vol.XL,No.3 The OPEC Energy Review is a quarterly energy research journal published by the OPEC Secretariat in Vienna. Each issue consists of a selection of original well-researched papers on the global energy industry and related topics, such as sustainable development and the environment. The principal aim of the OPEC Energy Review is to provide an important forum that will contribute to the broadening of awareness of these issues through an exchange of ideas. Itsscope is international. TheOPECEnergyReviewwelcomessubmissions fromacademics andotherenergyexperts. SubmissionsshouldbemadeviaScholarOneat: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/opec (registration required). APDFof“AuthorGuidelines”maybedownloadedatWiley’s OPECEnergyReviewpageat: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1753- 0237/homepage/ForAuthors.html Allcorrespondenceaboutsubscriptionsshouldbesent to John Wiley& Sons,which publishes and distributes the quarterly journalonbehalfofOPEC (see insidebackcover). CALL FOR PAPERS OPEC EnergyReview Chairman, EditorialBoard:DrOmarSAbdul-Hamid GeneralAcademicEditor:ProfessorSadekBoussena Executive Editor:HasanHafidh “Areshaleoilsandothernon-conventionals real competitors to conventionaloils?” Submityour papers by October3,2016 OPEC EnergyReview Vol.XXXX,No.4 December2016 Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublica- tion1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1 Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublica- tion1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1 Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublica- tion1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1 Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublica- tion1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1Titleofpublication1 Author(s) Author(s) Author(s) Author(s) Organizationof the PetroleumExportingCountries SPECIALEDITION: Areshaleoilsandothernon-conventionals real competitors to conventionaloils? Published anddistributed onbehalf of the Organization of thePetroleumExportingCountries,Vienna Printed inSingapore byMarkonoPrintMediaPteLtd. Opec_v40_i3_Cover.indd 1 19-08-2016 15:40:42 World Oil Outlook 2019 (free of charge) Annual Report 2018 (free of charge) Contains research papers by international experts on energy, the oil market, economic development and the environment. Available quarterly only from the commercial publisher. Annual subscription rates for 2015: Institutional Personal Print Online Print & online Print & online Europe € 615 615 738 182 UK £ 485 485 582 123 Americas $ 814 814 977 203 Rest of world $ 949 949 1,139 £123 Canadian residents, please add five per cent for GST. 128-page book Interactive version available at http://asb.opec.org/ •Crude oil and product prices analysis •Member Country output figures •Stocks and supply/ demand analysis OPEC offers a range of publications that reflect its activities. Copies can be obtained by contacting this Department, which regular readers should also notify in the event of a change of address: PR & Information Department, OPEC Secretariat Helferstorferstrasse 17, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel: +43 1 211 12-0; fax: +43 1 216 4320; e-mail:
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