Speeches 2006
Energy and Environment: Challenges and Opportunities
17 Dec 2006 | A Keynote address by Mr. Mohamed Hamel, Head, Energy Studies Department at the OPEC Secretariat to the "Offshore Arabia 2006" Conference and Exhibition in Dubai, 17-19 December 2006
Opening Remarks to the 6th JODI Conference
25 Nov 2006 | Delivered by Mr. Fuad A. Al-Zayer, Head, Data Services Department at the OPEC Secretariat & Head of OPEC Delegation to the 6th JODI (Joint Oil Data Initiative) Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 25-26 November 2006
World oil market developments: Challenges and Opportunities
20 Nov 2006 | Speech delivered by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, at the 11th Annual International IIES Oil & Gas Forum, entitled "New developments in world oil & gas: Challenges & Opportunities", Tehran, Iran, 20-21 November 2006
OPEC Statement to the United Nations Climate Change Conference - Nairobi, 6-17 November 2006
17 Nov 2006 | Delivered by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, to the high-level segment of the 12th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change & the 2nd session of the Conference of the Parties acting as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol - 17 November 2006, Nairobi, Kenya
Global energy industry - Current challenges and opportunities
30 Oct 2006 | Speech delivered by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, at the Sixth Russian Oil & Gas Week, Moscow, Russia, 30 October-2 November 2006
The Clean Development Mechanism: Is it meeting the expectations?
19 Sep 2006 | A Speech by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, to the First International Conference on the Clean Development Mechanism, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 19-20 September 2006
Closing Remarks by OPEC Conference President to the 3rd OPEC Int'l Seminar
13 Sep 2006 | By Dr. Edmund M. Daukoru, President of the OPEC Conference, Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Nigeria
Energy Outlook: Challenges & Opportunities for OPEC
12 Sep 2006 | Speech delivered by Mr. Mohammed S. Barkindo, Acting for OPEC Secretary General, at the 3rd OPEC International Seminar, Vienna, Austria, 12-13 September 2006
Welcoming Address by OPEC Conference President to the Third OPEC International Seminar
12 Sep 2006 | Delivered by HE Dr. Edmund Maduabebe Daukoru, OPEC Conference President, Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Nigeria
Oil market stability: the role of OPEC
08 Sep 2006 | A Speech by Dr. Edmund M. Daukoru, President of the OPEC Conference, Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Nigeria, to the 28th Oxford Energy Seminar, Oxford, England, 8 September 2006
OPEC Statement to the "Caspian Outlook 2008" Conference
27 Aug 2006 | Delivered by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, at the Bled Strategic Forum, "Caspian Outlook 2008" Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 27 August 2006
Energy Security: A Global Perspective
27 Jul 2006 | Speech delivered by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, at the London Oil Club, 27 July 2006, London, England
Opening Address for Dinner-Debate - European Parliament
04 Jul 2006 | Opening Address by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, at a Dinner Debate, European Parliament, Strasbourg, France, 4 July 2006
Global Oil Outlook to 2025
22 Jun 2006 | Address by Dr. Hasan M. Qabazard, Director, Research Division, to the Annual General Assembly of the International Chamber of Commerce – Vienna, Austria, 22 June 2006
"Energy" - Address to the 11th Session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly
20 Jun 2006 | Delivered by Dr. Hasan M. Qabazard, Director, Research Division, OPEC Secretariat
OPEC and non-OPEC
11 Jun 2006 | A keynote address by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, to Session Three of the 11th Annual Asia Oil & Gas Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 11-13 June 2006. Theme of the Conference: "Balancing the interests of consumers & producers".
Energy for Development
09 Jun 2006 | Speech delivered by Mr. M. S. Barkindo, Acting for OPEC Secretary General, at a luncheon in honour of the 40th Meeting of the Chairman & Coordinators of the G-77 & China - Vienna, Austria - 9 June 2006
Opening Statement by OPEC Conference President to the 3rd Meeting of the EU-OPEC Energy Dialogue
07 Jun 2006 | Delivered by HE Dr. Edmund Maduabebe Daukoru, President of the Conference & Minister of State for Petroleum Resources of Nigeria. Brussels, 7 June 2006
Address of the Acting for OPEC Secretary General to the 4th Joint OPEC-IEA Workshop
19 May 2006 | Delivered by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for OPEC Secretary General, at the Fourth Joint OPEC-IEA Workshop, Oslo, Norway, 19 May 2006
Developments in international energy markets and the impact on Arab countries
14 May 2006 | A Speech by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the Secretary General, to the 8th Arab Energy Conference, Amman, Jordan, 14-17 May 2006. The theme of the conference: "Energy & Arab cooperation".
OPEC Statement to the High-level Segment of the 14th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development
11 May 2006 | Delivered by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the Secretary General
Oil market stability and its importance to OPEC and the oil industry
04 May 2006 | A Speech by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the Secretary General, to the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 1-4 May 2006 - Panel Session: "Energy Leadership & Outlook".
Oil Outlook to 2025
23 Apr 2006 | A Speech by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the Secretary General, to the 10th International Energy Forum, Doha, Qatar, 22-24 April 2006.
Statement by OPEC Secretariat to the International Monetary & Financial Committee, Washington, D.C.
22 Apr 2006 | Delivered by Mr. Mohammad Alipour-Jeddi, Head of the Petroleum Market Analysis Department at the OPEC Secretariat
OPEC's View on the Outlook for Oil Supply/Demand
07 Apr 2006 | Speech by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the Secretary General, to the 7th International Oil Summit, Paris, France - 7th April 2006
"Oil Outlook: Challenges and Opportunities"
03 Apr 2006 | Keynote Speech by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, to "Nigeria Oil & Gas 2006", Abuja, Nigeria, 3-5 April 2006
Oil and the fuel price: The link to market stability
14 Mar 2006 | Keynote address by Mr. Mohammed S. Barkindo, Acting for the OPEC Secretary General, to the Opening Ceremony of the 30th World Congress of the International Road Transport Union, Dubai, UAE, 14-16 March 2006
OPEC Conference President Address to the National Press Club
03 Mar 2006 | Address by HE Dr. Edmund Maduabebe Daukoru, OPEC Conference President, to the National Press Club, Washington DC, Friday, 3 March 2006
Energy Supply and Demand Security
16 Feb 2006 | A Speech by Mr. Mohammed Barkindo, Acting for the Secretary General, delivered by Mr. Mohamed Hamel, Head, Energy Studies Department at EUROPIA Conference, London, England, 15-16 February 2006
OPEC’s Strategy in Facing the New Energy Challenges
26 Jan 2006 | A Ministerial Address delivered by HE Dr Edmund Maduabebe Daukoru, OPEC Conference President & Minister of State for Petroleum Resources of Nigeria, at the Working Lunch of the 2006 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland - 26 January 2006