OPEC Statement to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP22/CMP12)
Delivered by HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, OPEC Secretary General, at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP22/CMP12), 7-18 November 2016, Marrakesh, Morocco.
Mr. President, distinguished delegates:
I join all parties and previous speakers before me in congratulating you on your well-deserved election to preside over this important COP.
In similar vein I also wish to congratulate our newly appointed Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, Patricia Espinosa, a veteran Diplomat and climate change negotiator.
COP22 is significant not only because it coincides with the coming into force of the Paris Climate Agreement, but also holding at a time of uncertainties.
Negotiations between the Parties have come a long way – leading to this historic moment. Thirteen out of fourteen OPEC Member Countries have signed the Agreement, and five have indeed already ratified it.
OPEC and its Member Countries have been active partners in climate change negotiations and welcome the early enforcement of the Paris Agreement.
Our Member Countries joined the global consensus in Paris in order to midwife this Agreement and move the process forward. However, we remain concerned on the weakening of some key principles of the Convention. The Principle of Equity; principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities; the convention provision of response measures on developing countries; are just some of these issues that COP22 should revisit and strengthened.
Mr. President, distinguished delegates:
We hope that the same cooperative and positive spirit that led us to its successful adoption at COP21 will be maintained in its implementation stage.
In addition, we should also remind ourselves that the Agreement is under the Convention and should continue to be guided by its principles and provisions. In particular, the unique situation of developing countries should be given the top priority it deserves.
OPEC remains committed to this process and will continue to support its successful and comprehensive implementation to ensure a ‘win-win’ outcome for all.
Thank you.

HE Barkindo, OPEC Secretary General at COP22 in Marrakesh

OPEC Delegation at COP22