
The OPEC Secretariat is the executive organ of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Located in Vienna, it also functions as the Headquarters of the Organization, in accordance with the provisions of the OPEC Statute.

It is responsible for the implementation of all resolutions passed by the Conference and carries out all decisions made by the Board of Governors. It also conducts research, the findings of which constitute key inputs in decision-making.

The Secretariat consists of the Secretary General, who is the Organization’s Chief Executive Officer, as well as such staff as may be required for the Organization’s operations. It further consists of the Office of the Secretary General, the Legal Office, the Research Division and the Support Services Division.

The Research Division comprises Data Services, Petroleum Studies, Energy Studies and Environmental Matters departments. The Support Services Division includes Public Relations & Information, Finance & Human Resources and Administration & IT Services departments.

The Secretariat was originally established in 1961 in Geneva, Switzerland. In April 1965, the 8th (Extraordinary) OPEC Conference approved a Host Agreement with the Government of Austria, effectively moving the Organization’s headquarters to the city of Vienna on September 1, 1965.

OPEC Secretariat building

OPEC Secretariat building in Vienna, Austria

Organization Organigram

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