

Venezuela facts and figures

Venezuela's Independence Day
Venezuela's Independence Day

05 July

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela lies along South America’s Caribbean Coast. It is bordered by Brazil, Colombia and Guyana. The country covers an area of around 916 thousand square kilometres, excluding the Esequibo area, and has a population of around 33 million. Around four million people live in the capital, Caracas, and Spanish is the country’s official language.

Apart from petroleum, the country’s natural resources include natural gas, iron ore, gold, bauxite, diamonds and other minerals. The national currency is the bolivar.

HE Nicolás Maduro Moros is the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the country is a Founder Member of OPEC.

Did you know?

  • There are 43 national parks in Venezuela, making up 15 per cent of the country’s land mass.
  • Venezuela has been an oil producer since 1914 when the first commercial oil well, Zumaque I, was drilled in the Mene Grande field on the eastern shores of Lake Maracaibo.

Below data covers 2023

Population (million inhabitants) 33.73
Land area (1,000 sq km) 916
GDP per capita ($) 2,879
Nominal GDP at market prices (million $) 97,116
Value of exports (million $) 16,910
Value of petroleum exports (milllion $) 13,682
Current account balance (million $) 1,705
Proven crude oil reserves (million barrels) 303,008
Proven natural gas reserves (billion cu. m.) 5,476
Crude oil production (1,000 b/d) 783
Marketed production of natural gas (million cu. m.) 22,631
Refinery capacity (1,000 b/cd) 2,276
Output of petroleum products (1,000 b/d) 275
Oil demand (1,000 b/d) 336
Crude oil exports (1,000 b/d) 550
Exports of petroleum products (1,000 b/d) 201
Natural gas exports (million cu. m.) --

  • b/d (barrels per day)
  • cu. m. (cubic metres)
  • b/cd (barrels per calendar day)

Source: Annual Statistical Bulletin 2024

  • HE Delcy Eloína Rodríguez Gómez

    HE Delcy Eloína Rodríguez Gómez

    Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
    Minister of the People’s Power of Hydrocarbons
    Head of Delegation

  • Eng. Ronny Rafael Romero Rodriguez

    Eng. Ronny Rafael Romero Rodriguez

    Governor for OPEC

  • Eng. Ronny Rafael Romero Rodriguez

    Eng. Ronny Rafael Romero Rodriguez

    National Representative